Patient presented with two missing teeth and bone loss resulting from a horse riding accident. Bone grafting was necessary in this case, so we grafted bone and she wore a removable partial/flipper for a few months while it healed. (We later placed two implants and crowns.)
Bony ridge 6 months after the bone graft. Now, there is plenty of room for proper position and placement of the implants.
Ridge exposed and implant measurements being taken. (Notice how nice and full the bone is now?!)
Implants, 4 months after placement.
X-ray of both implants and the final crowns, the day they were seated.
Final implants and crowns, occlusal view.
Final implants and crowns, close up view, lips retracted.
Patient presented with two missing teeth and bone loss resulting from a horse riding accident. Bone grafting was necessary in this case, so we grafted bone and she wore a removable partial/flipper for a few months while it healed. (We later placed two implants and crowns.)
Bony ridge 6 months after the bone graft. Now, there is plenty of room for proper position and placement of the implants.
Ridge exposed and implant measurements being taken. (Notice how nice and full the bone is now?!)
Implants, 4 months after placement.
X-ray of both implants and the final crowns, the day they were seated.
Final implants and crowns, occlusal view.
Final implants and crowns, close up view, lips retracted.